Have you ever desired to grow your own vegetables or herbs at home but were unable to do so for lack of space? Or start a business which is profitable as well as organic? If so, hydroponic gardening could be the answer you’ve been looking for. What is Hydroponics? The […]
Agricultural Tech
Computer Technology and Progress
In the late 1940’s scientists developed the first machines that could store and use encoded instructions or programs. In the beginning the users performing a variety of computations had to rewrite the basic hardware of the computers. Later on the innovations dramatically changed and increased the flexibility and usefulness of […]
Considerations for Selling Used Computers
Many people and businesses sell different electronic goods online and offline for a number of reasons. Some people may decide to sell their used computers in order to buy new computers that are equipped with the latest features and technology enhancements. Firms and business also liquidate and sell their older […]
Artificial Intelligent Warehouse Robots That Learn On Their Own Could Be Interesting
By now must of us realize that our current jobs will be replaced by robots and/or artificial intelligence. Some of these systems will be better and more intelligent than humans, assuming of course humans are actually intelligent. These robots will work in our factories, agricultural sector, service and retail. They […]
Nostalgia? Returning to More Natural, Biological Technology in Farming
Farming methods may to modern eyes seem to have once been more natural but are we being romantic and nostalgic? A great website that traces the history of the countryside and agriculture – ukagriculture.com – is an easily digested history of UK population and economic developments and their impact on […]
Onshore Or Offshore Investment in New Zealand – Biotech Versus an NZOFC
New Zealand is an English speaking, democratic country of the British Commonwealth. It has a free market economy, political stability, a first rate educational system, and strong research, business, and entrepreneurial communities. New Zealand offers the foreign investor the opportunity for attractive investments onshore and a legal vehicle for operating […]
Fertilizer Industry in India Contributes 25 Percent to GDP
India is basically an agricultural country which economy depends largely upon its agrarian produce. Agricultural sphere contributes about 25% to the country’s GDP. As a result, Indian fertilizer industry has tremendous scope in and outside the country as it is one of the allied parts of agriculture. Today, Indian Fertilizer […]
Diversification in Agriculture Sector: A Catalyst For Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria
Agriculture involves the cultivation of land, raising and rearing of animals, for the purpose of production of food for man, feed for animals and raw materials for industries. It involves forestry, fishing, processing and marketing of these agricultural products. Essentially, it is composed of crop production, livestock, forestry, and fishing. […]
Impact of New Technologies by 2030
According to the 2012 report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, published the US National Intelligence Council, four technology arenas will shape global economic, social and military developments by 2030. They are information technologies, automation and manufacturing technologies, resource technologies, and health technologies. Information technologies Three technological developments with an IT […]
Agriculture Inventions
Agriculture as we all know is production of agri goods through the cultivation of crops and also by the massive domestication of animals. This study is called agri science. Agriculture inventions have evolved massively by the years as farming and farm machines have grown too in these years. What was […]