Startups With Green Innovation

Barbie Espinol

Have you ever desired to grow your own vegetables or herbs at home but were unable to do so for lack of space? Or start a business which is profitable as well as organic? If so, hydroponic gardening could be the answer you’ve been looking for. What is Hydroponics? The […]

Computer Technology and Progress

Barbie Espinol

In the late 1940’s scientists developed the first machines that could store and use encoded instructions or programs. In the beginning the users performing a variety of computations had to rewrite the basic hardware of the computers. Later on the innovations dramatically changed and increased the flexibility and usefulness of […]

Considerations for Selling Used Computers

Barbie Espinol

Many people and businesses sell different electronic goods online and offline for a number of reasons. Some people may decide to sell their used computers in order to buy new computers that are equipped with the latest features and technology enhancements. Firms and business also liquidate and sell their older […]

Impact of New Technologies by 2030

Barbie Espinol

According to the 2012 report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, published the US National Intelligence Council, four technology arenas will shape global economic, social and military developments by 2030. They are information technologies, automation and manufacturing technologies, resource technologies, and health technologies. Information technologies Three technological developments with an IT […]

Agriculture Inventions

Barbie Espinol

Agriculture as we all know is production of agri goods through the cultivation of crops and also by the massive domestication of animals. This study is called agri science. Agriculture inventions have evolved massively by the years as farming and farm machines have grown too in these years. What was […]

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