E-Classified Ads, Free Internet Marketing Tips for Travel Agents

Barbie Espinol

Travel Agents have it easy, when they understand how they can tap into the massive need of travelers. People love travel, and when they are feeling blue, even a little, they surf the web for that perfect travel deal.

Let’s look at some facts, and then review the classified ad technique, to find new travel clients.

Fact: On the average there are over 600,000 searches, per month for the keyword: travel deal.

Fact: There are over 16 million searches, per month for the word: airfare.

Fact: There is an average of half a million searches, per month for keywords: travel site.

Fact: You should be sitting down for this fact: There is an average of over 20,000,000 (that is 20 million) searches a month for the keyword: cruises Now, if you take the ‘s’ off of cruises and make the keyword: cruise, the monthly average is over 30 million searches.

This article is about tapping into this massive need for information that Internet users have expressed.

One cheap, yet extremely effective and inexpensive to free, method of advertising travel, online is to use classified ad sites. To name a few craigslist.com, backpage.com, oodle.com, and any and all classified ad sites you come across.

Why, because, the search robots crawl these sites daily in most cases, hourly. And when you write your classified ad with keyword to content ratio in mind, your classified ad can easily end up at the top of the major search engines.

In order to increase of chances of your classified ad appearing at the top in the major search engines, you should:

1. Use your keyword(s) in your ad title (Doesn’t hurt to research your keyword. How popular is your keyword?

2. Write 300 to 400 words in the ad’s body.

3. Be sure your content to keyword ratio is high. (Meaning for every 100 to 150 words, use your keyword and variations of your keyword)

4. Be sure your content is original and un-duplicated.

5. Add images and video if allowed to do so.

Before you write your ad, put your proposed title, into the search engines. This will give you an idea of what information is already out there, and how you can fit in. And remember, the keywords: travel deals to Hawaii is always better than the keyword: Hawaii. Long tail keywords can often get you high placement in the search engines long before a short keyword.

Think of an e-classified ad, as a mini press-release. Give information. Marketing gurus say, the more information you provide, the more you will sell. What we know for sure is: The more information you provide, the more comfortable people feel.

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