Grow Your Internet Marketing Sales And Profits Fast – By Watching Television

Barbie Espinol

Would you like to start coming up with an unlimited amount of ideas for products, sales letters and content for your Internet marketing business?

Then there is really only one thing you need to do. And that is to simply constantly expose your mind to lots of different — even radically different — things.

In other words, read lots of different periodicals, newspapers, books and novels. Watch lots of different television shows and movies. Listen to different points of view on talk radio and on the Internet.

Basically, keep feeding your brain with so much information, about so many different things, that your subconscious becomes jam-packed with “raw material” to draw upon.
What’s the point of all this?

Well, by doing all these things — by exposing your brain to all these different ideas — your mind becomes almost like a river of ideas that you can draw on whenever you want. And all these different thoughts and ideas you put in there will start to sort of “talk” to each other, and combine and create whole new concepts and solutions for things you are working on.

Let me give you an example

I recently did an interview with a guy who created a “special effects” cookbook. A cookbook with recipes for volcano cakes, and deserts in the shape of your face, and all kinds of neat things kids love.

And he told me he got the idea while driving down the street. He was thinking about how he read somewhere that cookbooks always sell. And, at the same time, he remembered something he saw on a science fiction TV show and — bam! There it was. A “special effects cookbook.”

Two totally unrelated ideas that came out of his mind to form an idea that has made him a million dollars.

And that’s how it works for all so-called “creative geniuses.”

They simply load their brains with information, let it all “gel” together and talk to each other…and then presto! An idea comes out the other side.

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