When developing our internet marketing strategy, should we duplicate the success of others, or should we innovate and develop our own system? Should we find someone who has built a successful marketing business and do exactly what they have done, or should we create our own unique way of marketing? The answer is that we should do both. We want to duplicate the procedures while we innovate the implementation of those procedures.
In other words, we want to duplicate the proven methods that our mentors have perfected. Obviously, if their system is working, we can save a lot of time by copying that system. They have already learned what is effective and what isn’t, and we can gain from that knowledge. This doesn’t mean that we plagiarize their content; it means that we imitate their techniques. If they have learned from experience that it is better to complete “Step 2” in the process before moving on the “Step 3,” than we would be well advised to do the same. If they have found by trial and error that our “Step 4” should come before our “Step 3,” then we will be better off if we adjust our plan accordingly.
By innovating the execution of those techniques, we can differentiate our business from theirs, and create our own unique brand. We can deliver the same box, but we will package it a little differently. We can make our business stand out by implementing different designs in our packaging. Website design alone can project a distinctive package that will deliver the same box, but will allow us to build our brand.
The important thing to understand is that our innovation has to be duplicatable. In other words, just as we have learned from others who have gone before us, others will learn by duplicating what we have done. Therefore, we have to innovate within a framework that others can actually duplicate. This might not make sense at first, but when you look at the big picture, it becomes obvious.
Successful people are often characterized, not be their accomplishments alone, but by their ability to help others accomplish as well. The “gurus” in Internet Marketing are well-known not only because of their financial success, but also because of their willingness to help others duplicate their success.
The one ingredient in the entire mix that is both duplicatable and unique at the same time is the “us” in our business.No one can duplicate “us,” but everyone can put themselves into their own business. By being “ourselves” and building our business around our personality, we can duplicate the successful system of those who have gone before us, while maintaining our own distinctive image, which will ultimately become our brand and set us apart from the rest.
We will attract people who can relate to us. We want to show them that they don’t have to be an expert; they just need to be themselves. We want people to say – “I can do that!”