Simple Internet Marketing Secret Lets You Know Exactly What People Want To Spend Their Money On

Barbie Espinol

If you want to know exactly what to sell to your customers, leads and prospects on the Internet — not just what they will buy, but also what they won’t — then this article will show you how.

Consider this:

I spend a good chunk of my time interviewing Internet marketing experts, as well as other professionals at selling, copywriting and business.

And what I like to do — especially if I’m about to interview someone who is “high profile” — is send out an email to my list and tell them who I am about to interview and what questions they want me to ask and what they would like to learn from the interview.

Every single time I get dozens and dozens of emails doing just that. And then, when it comes time to do the interview, I know exactly what my listeners want and I go through those questions.

Okay, so what’s this got to do with your Internet marketing business?

Simple: You can easily use this exact same tactic yourself to find out exactly what your customers want before going through the expense and hassle of creating a promotion or developing any product ideas.

In other words, before you put a lot of time into creating a product and sales pitch, why not send an email to your list and ask them if they would be interested in a short report on whatever the subject is of the product you want to sell?

See how many people reply. If you get a lot of people asking for your information, then you can probably pursue it.

But, if you don’t get a lot of people wanting what you have, then chances are nobody is going to buy the information. I mean, if you can’t give it away free, how are you going to sell it?

And that’s really the key to making money online without a lot of grief and hassle.

Why guess what people want and are willing to pay for, when you can do a little bit of free research see what they want?

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