What Kind of Hair Loss Doctor Should I See? What to Expect During Your Visit

Barbie Espinol

Usually, losing 25 to 60 hairs in a day is normal. But if it goes beyond this, you will need to see a specialist for hair loss. Plan an appointment to see a dermatologist if the hair loss is drastic. These specialists can diagnose and treat your hair loss. They will examine your scalp and determine the cause of your hair loss; therefore, it is essential to rule out these causes.

Stopping hair loss before it continues further is critical. Hair loss can commence as early as in teenager. Most men start balding in their 30s. If you start to get hair loss, you should take action sooner. But today, hair loss is treatable, and a hair loss doctor can work with you to tell the root and find ways to treat it. In this article, we will highlight more on the specialist for hair loss and why it is essential to treat hair loss sooner. Keep reading.

A Hair Loss Specialist

The specialist for hair loss is usually a board-certified dermatologist, and this specialist can diagnose and treat hair loss. Dermatologists have the training and diagnose and treat medical issues that affect your skin, hair, and nails. This also includes all forms of hair loss.

You can well talk to your primary care doctor, who will diagnose or refer you to a dermatologist. Trichologists are also trained to diagnose issues affecting your scalp and hair. But because they are not medical doctors, they cannot prescribe the medications to help treat hair loss. If you suffer from hair loss, you get help by scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist.

Most hair loss doctors prescribe medications such as minoxidil and finasteride for hair loss. They might also ask you to use particular shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products to help you with hair loss.

Other than dermatologists, some plastic surgeons also treat hair loss. The doctors can provide surgical techniques like hair transplant surgeries. Even those men are the most affected by hair loss, and women can as well get affected by hair loss.

What are the Benefits of Seeing a Hair Loss Specialist?

Using over-the-counter hair loss products might make seeing a dermatologist unnecessary. But there are still many reasons why you need to see a hair loss doctor, especially if you are experiencing early signs of male pattern baldness.

One of the main reasons to see a specialist for hair loss is that they will identify the particular type of hair loss. As you know, hair loss is a result of several things. If you work for long hours, this could be telogen effluvium which results from chronic or severe stress.

Diet can also cause hair loss and also be hereditary. Because the hao loss doctor has specialized in identifying the leading cause of hair loss, they can quickly help you to know why you are losing your hair and ways to treat it.

Suppose your hair loss is not genetic. Your doctor will conduct some tests to help determine the cause. These doctors can also educate you on the risks and complications associated with each type of treatment, including medications and cosmetic procedures.

When is the Ideal Time to See a Specialist for Hair Loss?

The best time to see a specialist for hair loss is when you notice any signs of pattern baldness. Since pattern baldness hair is permanent, treating it fast will help prevent hair loss from worsening. The perfect time to act on your hair loss varies from one person to another. Some people experience balding age while others later in life. Therefore, make sure to be keen on the early signs of hair loss and act on them immediately.

Final Thought

Suppose your family member has visible hair loss. And also, you should talk to a hair loss specialist. This is the quickest and most straightforward way to find a solution for your hair loss. Seeing a specialist for hair loss is necessary even if you are not experiencing hair loss. Depending on the extent of thinning, there are several hair loss treatments for your hair loss. A hair transplant procedure is one of the best and most effective hair loss treatments because it offers permanent outcomes.

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