What Do Companies Stand to Benefit from API Integration?

Barbie Espinol

The advantages of adding more compatibility, accessibility, and communication options to enterprise-grade business applications are quite profound. From the end user’s perspective, all that adds up to simplified, accelerated, and streamlined business processes. As we take a closer look at the benefits in more detail next, they should become self-evident.

Seamless Workflow

In today’s digitized industry, maintaining a continuous workflow should be easier than we often find it to be. After all, we have come a long way in process automation and that should help us maintain continuous workflow with only minimal human interventions. That does happen and almost every industry imaginable has options to improve their workflow with automation. However, there is still the question of cross app collaboration and compatibility to consider.

Unless the apps necessary for a certain work process to complete seamlessly are properly compatible and interconnected, workflow interruption is inevitable. This is the problem that application programming interfaces (API) solve. By acting as a point of seamless but secured communication between multiple software systems, API integration adds compatibility to business applications. That, in turn, facilitates automated, seamless communication between different software services/products from different vendors/developers.

A New Business Infrastructure

As you may have realized by now, APIs do not just enable business applications to communicate with each other, but they also make it possible for those interactions to be automated, and thus unified. However, there is still a high degree of limitation to the whole API-integration process, which is being gradually removed by taking a different approach.

The idea is to move away from the process of adding or integrating APIs onto an existing software that was never designed to host the flexible interface originally. Instead, API First is the new business operating model where every application is built from the ground up with APIs. These are apps designed to facilitate faster, safer, and highly collaborative business software integrations from day one.

Improved Data Security

To understand how APIs can improve data security, we need to underline the few core facts of what the interface is and how it acts in a digital environment.

  1. The API opens an app up for collaboration, but every data exchange is also governed by its predefined rule sets with cybersecurity protocols embedded in them.
  2. The embedded cybersecurity protocols encrypt data by default.
  3. API gateways and tokenization systems check for authentication signatures, before allowing any external data to interact with the app data.
  4. All data coming in from and going to external servers/external apps are checked, encrypted (outbound), and decrypted (inbound) in line with the predefined security protocols.

Open application programming interfaces must be implemented with due diligence to cybersecurity of course, but that is to be expected from all reputed developers. If anything, APIs add one more door between cyberthreats and app data.

It can be stated that APIs allow for significantly better data communication and utilization for all companies in every sector that can benefit from that. They do so by cutting out unnecessary delays and boosting automation efficiency.

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