Africa Should Now Turn to Technology For Its Survival and Economic Development

Barbie Espinol

Land remains static while population increases. In Africa, land is becoming infertile, while desertification and effects of global warming threatens the continent. The continent’s raw materials are dwindling. Where would Africa turn for solutions?

For many years, the emerging independent states saw agriculture to be the continent’s development magic. They were unable to see that it was also possible for agriculture to be Africa’s curse. They would have to buy agricultural machinery, fertilizers, and animal drugs from the developed world and sells their produce to the developed world at a throw away price.

It is now even worse because land is becoming an explosive source of conflicts that threaten to tear African countries apart. The same land has become infertile and there is threat of desertification.

Due to global warming, farming has become unpredictable activity. There is either long dry period or too much rain. Pumping money into agriculture is a very likely source of frustrations for peasant farmers who makes up large part of Africa’s populations.

African countries have also for along time relied on export of raw materials. The revenue they earned from the raw materials has not helped much and they are dwindling. Africa has been a source for diamonds, gold, copper, oil and other minerals for the developed world. Africa’s answer for its development aspirations lies in technology. The fact that Africa population is increasing while land is not mean that other people would have to work elsewhere to earn a livelihood. And the educated youth’s hope is in technology.

Africa also faced with dwindling resource base cannot afford to be wasteful. Technology that would reduce waste and enhance recycling effort should be embraced by all African countries. African countries need technology to add value to their resources before exporting.

The bulk of world trade today is technology based. Africa and its growing youthful and educated population cannot afford to be left behind as the world grapples for a share of revenue from the technology trade. Quoting Allan Ngugi’s article published in the Daily Nation of March 12, 2008 entitled, “We should be thinking industries,” President Museveni during an East African Legislative assembly session said. “Many people in East Africa still depend on Agriculture rather than being in industry and services. East Africa cannot provide enough jobs for the increasing educated population. We shall not earn enough foreign currency as we could (with industrial production) and we shall not collect enough taxes.”

Technology will not only create jobs but will help Africa’s countries handle problems brought about by desertification and global warming.

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